

Educating your potential participants on your proactive plan to demonstrate compliance and champion subject safety and transparency will help combat potential misconceptions and increase subject confidence.

Informed consent is the foundation of modern clinical research, with compliance being crucial to ensure patient safety and study transparency. In recent years, electronic informed consent (eIC) has become more widely adopted, with the potential to replace printed consent forms and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.



The Food & Drug Administration's (FDA) guidance文档关于使用电子知情同意,提供了有关使用电子系统和流程的建议,这些建议可能采用多种电子媒体来获得由健康和公共服务(HHS)调节的人类学科研究的知情同意,以及包括人类药物在内的医疗产品的临床研究以及生物产品,由FDA调节的医疗设备及其组合。

对FDA指导的目的,共同引用to the use of electronic systems and processes that may employ multiple electronic media, including text, graphics, audio, video, podcasts, passive and interactive web sites, biological recognition devices and card readers, to convey information related to the study and to obtain and document informed consent.

The guidance document was released to ensure the following:

  • Continuing protection of the rights, safety and welfare of human subjects
  • Facilitation of the subject's comprehension of the information presented during the eIC process
  • 当使用多种电子媒体的电子系统和流程获得知情同意时,可以获得适当的同意文件
  • FDA应用程序中包含的EIC数据的质量和完整性,并在检查期间可用于FDA


  • 自治(自愿给予)
  • Self-determination (given by an individual who has capacity)
  • 对人权的肯定和对人权尊严的尊重(由一个被充分告知利益,风险,问题和利益冲突的个人)

The informed consent process must have the following elements:

  • 使用可理解的术语和详细信息
  • Sufficient time to make a well-informed decision regarding participation
  • 提出问题并向首席调查员发表评论或指定的能力
  • 最大程度地减少不当影响或强迫 - 主题必须清楚地表明,如果他们选择不参加护理和卫生服务的接收将不会改变
  • The Informed Consent Form must not use exculpatory language (it must not be written to waive rights of the patients or release the researchers and sponsors from liability due to negligence)
  • 主题必须清楚地表明,参与是自愿的,他们有权撤回而无需罚款或损失



Every eIC should be easy to navigate, allowing the user to proceed forward or backward within the system and to stop and continue later. Hyperlinks may be provided where helpful. The eIC may also incorporate electronic strategies to encourage subjects to access all the consent material before documenting their consent. The eIC must adhere to all these requirements:

  • The information must be in language understandable to the potential subject or the subject's Legally Authorized Representative (LAR)
  • Understandable means that the information presented to subjects is in a language and at a level the subject can comprehend
  • 为了确保适当地提出EIC,并且受试者将有足够的时间专门用于EIC流程,应将受试者告知该过程将花费多长时间以及向他们提供什么信息。

The eIC may use electronic signatures that comply with all applicablerequirements。电子系统还必须捕获并记录日期that the subject or subject's LAR provides consent. The法规permit a wide variety of methods to create electronic signatures, including using computer-readable ID cards, biometrics, digital signatures and user name and password combinations. FDA does not mandate or specify methods for electronic signatures, including any biometric method upon which an electronic signature may be based, as long as the system being used is secure and auditable.

All eIC documents, information and processes must be approved by an independent research ethics committee.

It is important to note that eIC may not be suitable for all subjects and that subjects may prefer one method over another. Other subjects may have difficulty navigating or using electronic systems because of, for example, a lack of familiarity with electronic systems, poor eyesight or impaired motor skills. Therefore, subjects should have the option to use paper-based or electronic informed consent methods completely or partially throughout the informed consent process. Subjects may need to be trained or assisted with the technology.



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